Wednesday, October 5, 2022

All Eyes - Indie Release that Blends Horror and Comedy

The hybrid genre that dares to mix traditional notions of a horror film with that of a comedy has seen somewhat of a resurgence in recent years. Interestingly enough, the best works from this field came from independent films and more minor releases. Now, it seems that All Eyes fits perfectly into that pattern. Here is how the same movie describes itself:

The movie follows Allen, a disgraced podcaster, as he travels to a secluded farm to interview a peculiar subject: a reclusive farmer who believes a monster roams on his land  What started as a fun piece to put him back into the spotlight quickly unravels as the subject begins to take a new life of its own. Sometimes the danger is not what we expect, and the truth becomes more horrifying than what we imagine.

Right off the bat, the trailer for the film showcases its raw and immediate appeal - that of a mystery of whether the old farmer is insane or not. As the film unravels, the mystery takes on a more and more esoteric proportion, sucking the viewers further in. That is, in my view, precisely what an ambitious horror comedy, in this case with even a pinch of thriller, should possess.

All Eyes was directed by Todd Greenlee and stars Jasper Hammer, Ben Hall, and Danielle Evon Ploeger. It was produced by Homefront Pictures and distributed by Gravitas Ventures. Their first feature Home With a View of the Monster was released in 2020, which was back then an excellent debut. Now, the new release promises even more thrills, especially if you're a horror and mystery movie fan.

The film is currently available to rent on Apple TV, Amazon Prime, Vudu, Google Play, and YouTube. Get it today and enjoy 1 hour and 27 minutes of what could be the next big indie hit of 2022!