Thursday, July 25, 2024

Film Review: Maggie Moore(s)

From the start of Maggie Moore(s), this quirky little film works as a mixture of Breaking Bad, especially because of its New Mexico setting, and a Coen brothers movie. However, in that fusion, the film somewhat takes away from both influences, ending up as something theoretically similar, but ultimately less fun and less engaging.

In its story, which is partly built on real events, the film deals with the double murder of two women named Maggie Moore, living in a small town and both having zero reasons to be killed. Smartly written, the script opens with a resolved mystery, putting the viewers in a position where they already know everything.

As the story progresses, a set of initial blunders only continues to grow around the evil-doers, while Sheriff Sanders, played by Jon Hamm, and his love interest Rita, played by Tina Fey, try to unravel the bizarre and apparently senseless murders. At the same time, their middle-age romance blossoms in its full awkward glory.

But, despite the great leading cast and a good script, the film's dark comedy angle simply never comes to full fruition. It remains stuck in a place where it is neither a thriller nor a true black comedy, leaving it looking very pale, which rarely happened to its main influences.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Film Review - Godzilla Minus One (2023)


Defining a genre for Godzilla Minus One is a hard task, but an even harder one is trying to remember a big Japanese film that deals with the aftermath of WW2 on individuals and society as a whole. Things like the Yasukuni Shrine show that the Japanese public consciousness always had a strange process of trying to square the circle of the terrible Second World War and the events that took place during it. Here, the notion of trying to examine civil society and place it in a context outside of the Japanese military mindset, at that point nearly a millennium old, is probably one of the most unique features of Godzilla Minus One.

While this film doesn’t exactly take on the legacy of the Nanjing Massacre or anything like that, it takes on a big monster in Japanese consciousness - the legacy of sacrificing oneself for the ideas of the State. In a simple story of Koichi, a young kamikaze pilot who decides to abandon his mission, only to find himself facing an actual monster from the depths twice in several years, the film deals with a broad range of topics. Through this, it overcomes the notion of being a monster film. Instead, it morphs, just like Gozzila, into something more powerful.

Additionally, the period of the film where it follows Koichi, still devastated by his wartime experiences, his not-wife Noriko, and their not-daughter as they struggle in obliterated Japan, works as an impactful drama about recovery and self-forgiveness. The fact that a monster element, which was excellently delivered in terms of visuals and pacing, works just as well, shows how unique and successful Godzilla Minus One truly is. 

The film also completely avoids any of the recent Western formulas, like the elements seen, for example, in Godzilla from 2014. Godzilla Minus One and its director, Takashi Yamazaki, take on their route. It shows that Yamazaki is not only a brilliant cinematographer mind but also one of those rare voices in Japan’s international art scene ready and willing to take a look into some dark, troublesome corners of the country’s bloody past.